Poster/Film magazine cover analysis

This world war Z poster doesn’t give much away to the audience but at the same time it is able to give away enough information to intrigue the audience. The “Z” is in a capital letter and is the biggest part of the poster. The letter Z is at the very end of the alphabet connoting that this could be the end of all wars whether it being the protagonists or antagonists winning the war. The letters are written with a metallic look which suggest such things as metallic battle instruments, ships, helicopters etc revolving around war.

Brad Pitt being the main character will immediately attract the attention of a specific target audience/ fan base since he is a very well known and loved actor.

According to the title of the film being presented on the poster it makes sense to predict his film as  being within an action and adventure however not giving much away to it being a horror genre.

The background of this poster is dark mostly black with some reflected light in the middle which also shows on the title this could connote the situation being a very serious and dark horrific situation in general but the light that’s reflected could connote some sort of hope in this whole situation.

This second poster of world war z has quite a contract to the previous poser since this has an image to it and there is more colour being shown and used to create meaning and emotion to the audience. In this poster it is much easier to identify the genre of the movie since we can see a large amount of bodies piled on top of each other trying to reach up to the helicopter above them as well as some falling from the helicopter. This shows us that the movie could possibly be a horror movie as well as action since we see an army helicopter connoting that there could be use of fire arms and other war weapons.

The pile of people/zombies that are together create a black colour connoting darkness and unpleasantness however again we see the sunlight behind them which is similar to the previous poster and this again connotes that there is hope behind all of this and a possible solution.

With thee title again its been given a metallic font to it however this time the “Z” again being the biggest letter on the poster is coloured red and bold with a war themed font. The colour red connoted danger and warning and evil which is a main theme in the movie and is very clear to the audience.

The main colours shown in this version of World war Z are similar to the previous image. The font and the way the title has been laid out is exactly the same which gives the same effect to the target audience, again red being a very attentive colour connoting danger and blood in this content which corresponds to the genre of the film.

The messages of the film are visual as there is minimal text in the poster, his name being the most visual at the top. We see a very disastrous scene of a town being destroyed from the war.

We know that Brad Pitt is the main character in this movie because it shows only him alone in the poster and has his name only at the top. He is in a position showing that he is on top of things looking down on the disaster almost like a Godly figure.

I think that the desired target audience would be both genders between the ages of 16- 24 year old action  and adventure lovers Brad Pitt also being the famous and well known eye candy for all the young female fans.
Using the main character I the poster and identification of his name at the top is a key technique to bring attracting the target audience to come and watch the movie in cinemas including body language and facial expressions of the character which we cant full see in the poster causing curiosity as to what he is feeling and he this means he can solve the situation or not.

Love and basketball  is an urban drama, romance and sport film which hugely contrasts to World war Z  being an action adventure.

The colour orange is quite a meaningful colour being portrayed in this movie poster  being a mixture of a energetic red and the happiness yellow; Love representing the colour red of love and Basketball  representing the colour yellow of happiness giving us a result of orange.

Orange is a colour that can  resemble desire, sexual passion, pleasure, domination, aggression, and thirst for action, which are all portrayed in the content of this film.

The main characters have been out on the front sharing their passion for each other and their sport which helps to give away along with the title the genre of the movie to the target audience which in this case would mostly be females aged between 16 – 24.

The messages in the poster is mainly visual since we don’t really have any text apart from  which is combined with the title “All’s fair in Love and basketball” this symbolises equality which is being portrayed also in the image since they are both have their hands on the basket ball together.

I think that in this poster contrasting to the World War Z the object of the basketball is more of the unique selling point rather than the characters since we cant really identify them as much and also their names aren’t being advertised as much as Brad Pitt’s was in the previous poster. Also the colour scheme corresponds to the colour of the ball which puts more emphasis on the importance of basketball in the film.

Film Magazine Covers: 

This is my movie poster sketch to show the idea that I had for my movie poster and what I wanted it to look like, my final poster had evidently been altered and changed due to research and analysis. I drew this sketch based on the common urban drama movie posters that usually have a close up of the main character and the movie title at the bottom.

This is the sketch of my fil magazine front cover, I went with the very basic and original design which I thought would look more professional and genuine.

1 comment:

  1. A good start with analysis here but there is a lot of work missing. You will never achieve a top grade unless you get this updated and all work on the blog immediately! Where is it???
