First Draft Analysis

First Poster Draft

This is my draft of how I would like my movie poster to look like and be designed. I used the Pixlr software for the effects and texts that I have applied. I found using this software quick and easy to use. 

I took this image with the individual facing the opposite direction to symbolize and connote her role and representation in the film since she is known as the "set up chick" a character who sets up others by lying about her identity and who she is in order to gain the persons trust and set them up.
I also asked the model cross her fingers to again connote her character and give the audience an idea of what to expect from the film or more from this particular character and the role that she plays in the film.
The character is looking out of the window to show that a lot of thought goes into how she lives her life and he thoughts between doing bad and doing good.
I picked this particular effect for this image because it represents a shady type of character that she plays and the whole film is based on. She was also purposely made to not show her face because she never shows her identity to anyone so nobody really knows who she truly is.
I liked this particular font and feel like i might use this again because it gives a good representation of the film and genre. It is an urban drama and involves violence and war between two groups of people and the font gives a good understanding of this. I decided to put the name of the individual playing this character as another conventional technique that attracts the target audience depending on the popularity of the character.
I also think that I am going to stick with this particular tag line "Blood is thicker than water" because it feel that it creates mystery   of which characters this may apply to in the film.
What i thought could be improved with this movie poster is the costume of the individual, she s wearing a Christmas jumper with a streak of pink and snowflakes which could connote that she is a girly girl with a streak of innocence and femininity. I took some feedback from my teacher and she suggested that I change the costume of the character because it isn't conventional for a "set up chick".

Second Poster Draft

This is my second movie poster draft that i have created for my urban drama film. This poster differs quite a lot from the previous film poster because it sends a more serious message to the audience. According to feedback that I have had from peers in my class they had felt that this poster was more conventional to my chosen genre.
The colours that I have used for this poster is more drained and lifeless colours connoting seriousness.I have taken some thought in what effects i wanted to be placed on this image to help convey the techniques and aspects of my chosen genre. I used a dirty effect for the background to give the audience an idea of the story line and how it is portrayed.
I tried to keep the same main aspects of the posters the same such as the fonts used for the title and others. What I think would improve the poster is if I was more conscious in my consistency by also including the same tag line at the poster.
I purposely used chiaroscuro for this image to connote the different sides and personalities to her. A darker side which she portrays throughout main points in the film and the lighter side suggests that she has an innocent side and has some good in her.
The character is looking directly at the audience. The close up of her emphasizes her emotional state. its exaggerates her facial expression which conveys the characters emotion. The purpose of me taking the picture this way is so that the viewer can be drawn into the characters personal space and share her feelings.
For my final draft of my film poster I plan to stick with the conventions of this particular film poster draft due to the feedback that i have received, I intend to add the credits at t he bottom to make it look m ore professional and authentic without adding too much to keep it simple at the same time that way it can be more inciting to the target audience making them want to see the film.

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